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Phase 1 – WLLN

Dear Reader:

         While going through this experience, it felt like new challenges I was able to overcome. In most of my writing, I’ve chosen to direct most of my work to those who have had similar experiences to the ones I’ve had and to those who have been judged for coming from different backgrounds. I directed my work towards them due to knowing that they have felt like an outcast but they’re not. I’m here to tell you that we just had to work harder than others to get what we wanted, but don’t look at it as something to bring you down but use it as motivation. I created my work with certain words picked out to stand out to them due to knowing from my point of view that these same words stood out to me. This course has taught me many things such as what are pathos, ethos, and logos, but what I found most intriguing was rhetorical situations and having to analyze other people’s rhetorical situations.

         Throughout my work with this assignment, I was able to look back at my past and realize that I’ve always been able to do what others could do too. Something meaningful that I was able to reflect to was a thought that came across my mind while doing this assignment. that thought was that certain things come in a different form for everyone and at a different time. For me I was never good at reading nor was I too interested in it but it then came to me through a fictional book. For someone else, this assignment could be what clicks for them. I really found meaningful being able to learn rhetorical situations, this topic helped me see that I’ve never been alone when it has come to my experiences.

         Rhetorical situations impacted me a lot. Rhetorical situations seemed to be someone who talked about how they’ve had difficulties in life and where able to get past them. This concept has had a big impact because it has helped me be able to find different ways to see things such as what might seem like a liability to someone is something someone else sees as special, this is how it becomes the concept I have found most impactful and this concept could also change your view.

         This phase’s assignments have helped me achieve some learning outcomes due to not really understanding well how to do write my own rhetorical essay. Rhetorical worksheets an assignment that we were assigned multiple times was able to help me figure out how I should write my snapshot and my WLLN throughout the time given, specifically when we did the Amy tan “mother tongue” letter I was able to see how the writer was able to change their views on a certain problem and how they found a solution to it which was not to change them but to change your view on it as it said “Fortunately, for reasons I won’t get into today, I later decided I should envision a reader for the stories I would write. And the reader I decided upon was my mother because these were stories about mothers” and “I wanted to capture what language ability tests can never reveal: her intent, her passion, her imagery, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts.” This led me to change how I also view certain things and learn new things. I hope I can find more things to learn in order to grow as a person


Emmanuel Perez

Emmanuel Perez

Molly Mosher

English 110


                                                                Final WLLN

                Spanish was my first language and it all started when I was first brought to the Dominican Republic when I was a baby. I went on to grow up there and go to a bilingual school but I wasn’t bilingual myself. My parents decided to enroll me in this school as my first school due to having plans for my sister and me to move to the United States for a better education but my sister and I never knew that until it hit. It all happened so suddenly, in a hot summer, my parents told me and my sister, that in one year we were going to move to the United States. I was still a kid to understand what was going on so, I never changed the way I was. I ignored my English studies and set my priorities on other things such as having fun as would any kid.

                It all changed for me when it came time to leave my homeland. New York was my new normal or so it was going to become my normal but I did not see the challenges that I was going to have to face until I had to be enrolled in school here. As I look back, the first time I walked in the cafeteria was full with kids yelling and talking loudly, I was the new kid so I first had to go with a teacher to get my syllabus, and my class schedule with them. As I kept on walking, I felt the stares from those I didn’t know and that was the day that I titled myself an outcast from those who went to my school. I was in a new territory that I was unsure about and I didn’t know much of the subjects. The school supplied me with extra help from someone to translate what I would try to say sometimes due to having an accent and this just brought my confidence worst. It felt like what I knew my whole life was holding me back and as if my native tongue was telling me that English just wasn’t for me. The significance of English literature and learning it started to show but I would always think that I gave it my all when I ended up only giving it 30% of what I had. Reading became hard for me since I would never find the right book for me, and writing was out of the picture since I was never able to spell things right, I would pronounce things wrong and this lingered with me all up until middle school where my whole life got so much harder. I stayed in ESL since elementary school and did worse than ever, I had not many friends and I would mostly stay to myself, so I wouldn’t have to hear the words “can you repeat that, I’m sorry I couldn’t understand you.” As time passed I started to get bullied in school for still being in the ESL class and for always having low grades also stuck with me, this took a toll on me and so the only times I found peace were in those days I spent the loneliest.

               I graduated from middle school with only a few friends and I never kept in touch with anyone else from middle school. High school was something new to me and I was hoping to get a new start right here but soon after what happened to me in middle school followed me into high school and I started staying to myself again. I wanted to put a stop to this pattern and so I tried to find a way to stop but I couldn’t find how. This all changed for me when I was given the first book I was truly interested in. The book was called “The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan” and it soon became the basis for all the other books I read. It started to become my favorite thing to do and I started to develop an interest in fiction based books. These books started to play as films through my head and reading soon started to become what I loved, I didn’t feel forced nor like I had someone threatening me to read or I’m going to have something taken away from me. When I would read these certain books it opened up my world to literature in general and led to me taking an interest in certain articles and books based on real people due to seeing their experiences in life written on those books as a film. I started to learn more words and gaining confidence in my English and so I was able to speak up for myself and everything started to settle down. I still haven’t been able to overcome my hardships with writing but I will be able to the more I go.

              My life has revolved around my knowledge of English all my life due to the important role it played in my life. Neglecting it when I was younger led to me having a bad experience with it as I got older. Its importance didn’t show up right away, but it showed up in a different form that I wouldn’t have expected it to come as.