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Phase 3 – Research essay

                           Research worksheet

            There have been many issues throughout the world and throughout time many people have researched to find statistics, the “why” in such things, and what formed the certain thoughts of those who are causing the issues. Racism: “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.” “the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.” The topic of racism has been around since the beginning of life but has dragged on and affected people of today’s society. Racism is mostly seen towards minorities and those who have less education than others.

        Racism has been the thing that has separated us, humans, from each other the most and this has led to also treating each other differently. Today now these days an example of racism is certain standards in the U.S and the lower class, middle class, and the higher class. The U.S has set certain standards for what “professional” is and this is shown in many cases and is also seen during the working industry where a certain person is more certain to land a position at the job than someone else just due to their name. In an article by PolitiFact, they stated “responded to help-wanted ads for a variety of positions in the fields of sales, administrative support, clerical services and customer services posted in The Boston Globe and Chicago Tribune with fake resumes…The resumes with white-sounding names spurred 50 percent more callbacks than the ones with black-sounding names.” During this experiment, the people shown to do the experiment decided to apply to jobs with help wanted for hire with multiple resumes with white and black names and the more white-sounding names were 50 percent more callbacks. this is a representation of how certain different racial groups are discriminated against due to even just their names being brought into the system.

            Racism has also been shown to be taken to worst cases as to how African Americans and many other ethnicities were discriminated against and treated. Slavery was set as a way to dehumanize those who weren’t white and such things were shown when slave owners mistreated their slaves and even killed them due to disobeying. Even after the removal of slavery Blacks were mistreated and this was shown many times. One of the biggest incidents of this was back then when a young boy by the name of Emmet Till was killed on August 28, 1955 (aged 14). In an article, it stated “While visiting his relatives in Mississippi, Till went to the Bryant store with his cousins, and may have whistled at Carolyn Bryant. Her husband, Roy Bryant, and brother-in-law, J.W. Milam, kidnapped and brutally murdered Till, dumping his body in the Tallahatchie River. The newspaper coverage and murder trial galvanized a generation of young African Americans to join the Civil Rights Movement out of fear that such an incident could happen to friends, family, or even themselves.” when this happened the murderes where not taken into action against due to how the government and judges were also racist and saw the man as right or that the young boy deserved that, and this is what’s wrong with society.

         Now things have started to change but racial discrimination hasn’t completely disappeared.

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